Aniki’s Melancholy


“He” was a musician.

“He” was expressing the “World”.

But someone bent the “World”.

“He” became mentally ill and stopped his activities.


I was a prisoner of pleasure pleasures and was in a hopeless situation.

In the midst of all this, I was suddenly learning about music theory on YouTube and came across a video titled “界隈曲の特徴 (Characteristics of The Neighborhood Music)”.

My interest piqued, I researched “界隈曲 (Neighborhood Music)” and found the song “イワシがつちからはえてくるんだ (Sardines grow out of the soil)”.


“クロマグロがとんでくる (Bluefin Tuna Flying In)”

“ヤツメ穴 (Lamprey Hole)”

“. (Period)”

I listened to the song.

The techno-pop soundtrack, the

The video seems to mix artistry and chaos.

The lyrics are abstract and somewhat eerie, but also comedic.

I was drawn into his “work”.

Then I learned that the genre of “Neighborhood Music” was born from “his” works.

I did some research on “he” who wrote these songs.

Then I found a tragic story there.

Eroding the Spirit

“He” uploaded various “works” on Niconico.

The uniqueness of his “work” shocked many people.

“He” interacted with many people on Twitter and engaged with celebrities.

“He” created the character “4号 (yon-gou)” and expanded his comical “world.

However, someone who wanted to examine “his” “work” appeared on an Internet bulletin board.

This was stressful for “him”.

Finally, “he” attempted suicide.

This led to “his” retirement as a musician.

The Psychology of Popularity

I am sure that “he” was shocked that the lyrics of “Bluefin Tuna Flying In” reminded him of the war, and he may have stopped his music career, even though he did not intend to do so.

Or it is possible that the popularity of the song made a lot of people aware of “him” himself, and the pressure of the living spirit gradually invaded his mentality.

I say this because there is some overlap with my experience.

The “experiences” are three.

One, when I was in junior high school, I created my own wiki, which got a lot of publicity.

Two, when I was in high school, I participated in a cultural festival with a song I wrote, which attracted the attention of many people, both male and female, and I was often talked to.

Three, also in high school, I met many people in the online gaming world and gained a lot of popularity by playing radio DJ in group calls on the chat application Discord.

There is one thing “common” to all of these.

It was that “it was hell to be cheered up by people”.

There are two reasons.

Having experienced online flame wars, for me, it was like having to live in constant anxiety when I became popular, in other words, having to constantly strain my nerves to keep people’s eyes on me.

“I could be trapped.”

“I might fail.”

I had to live in such a situation in exchange for popularity.

And one more thing.

When a human being focuses on someone, his or her “living spirit” goes to that person.

And if you continue to focus on that person, your “living spirit” will always stay with that person.

If you become popular, you will always have a group of “living spirits” mass stalking you every day, and you will have to feel stress unconsciously.

Human spirits are basically heavy.

To use an analogy, it is like a fat old man with a dead expression who gives off an atmosphere that makes it difficult to talk to him, and who is always sitting in a triangle in the corner of your room.

You would think, “I wish he would hurry up and get out of here”.

Popularity is such a state of affairs.

Perhaps I, too, was constantly feeling that way, and it drove me crazy.

I am sure “he” was the same way.

The attention on “himself” has made some of the mentally ill “hims”.

I wanted them to genuinely enjoy the “World”.

I did not want my “World” to be perverted.

It was not his true purpose to have “himself” appreciated more than his “work”.

These sentiments may have been present.

What is the greatest need of mankind?

Here is a question.

What do you think is the best and most necessary for human beings?




Our ancestors tried to get it until now.

Some of them actually got it.

But for some reason, their hearts were stricken with a sense of emptiness.

Even though they got what they wanted.

“What is success in this world?”

“What is true happiness?”

“When will the endless desire be satisfied?”

Now let me answer your earlier question.

What is the best and most necessary for human beings?

It is “God’s Love.”

When I say God, I mean the “God of the Bible”.

No one can fill the heart but “God’s Love”.

Nothing can satisfy the heart better than “God’s Love”.

There is no point in collecting anything other than “God’s Love”.

This is the truth.

Only by receiving “God’s Love” and then acquiring wealth, fame, etc., can the human heart be satisfied.

In any other way, the heart cannot be satisfied.

For human beings, “God’s Love” is the best and “God’s love” is the most necessary.

But you would ask.

“Is there a God?”

The answer is, “It is up to you to believe”.

But God certainly exists, and moreover, He loves you more than anyone else.

In order to feel that love, the basic prerequisite is faith.

Without faith, you will never feel God.

The Bible says.

And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him.

New Testament “Hebrews” 11:6

Believe in “God” and believe in “His love.”

That is the first step to receiving God’s love.

And to receive more of God’s love, you must love God yourself.

The way to do so is described in Mr. RAPT’s “有料記事 (Paid Article)”.

Please follow what is written in this “Paid Article” and move toward true happiness.

Articles can be purchased on a monthly basis. The price is 800 yen without bank transfer fee.

I wish you all to reach true happiness.

(We recommend that you start by looking at “RAPT理論+α (RAPT Theory Plus Alpha)”.


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