The Truth about Japan

I’m Japanese.

I was born and raised in Osaka.

And I’m asking for your help.

Japan is in the worst situation it has been in decades.

Children are stressed out by school officials enforcing all sorts of nonsensical and unreasonable rules. Bullying by followers of the Soka Gakkai is also rampant.

Young people are mentally ill and addicted to pornography, video games, and drugs.

Working people are being harassed by their bosses, which happens in every company, and all Japanese are afflicted.

As a result, suicide has become a social problem in Japan, the place with the most suicides is Toyota Motor Corporation, which has the largest market share in the world.

The “Koizumi-Takenaka Reforms” by Heizo Takenaka have led to the spread of temporary labor and lower salaries for all Japanese.

Prices of food and daily necessities are gradually rising, and poverty among the Japanese people will become even worse.

And to top it off, crime by Chinese and Vietnamese is worsening public safety, making the situation quite dangerous.

*This is merely a reference to the nationality of the culprit and is not intended to be racist in any way.

I have a favor to ask of you.

That is to spread this post everywhere.

Twitter, Instagram, VK, Telegram, Whatsapp, tell your family and acquaintances, whatever.

It will help us if as many people as possible know about this post.

We need your help.

It does not cost any money.

I sincerely hope you all know the truth.

(This was originally posted on Reddit, but was unjustly deleted by the management, so I have changed some of the content and posted it on my Blog)


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